On this page you can read more about what you need to get started making pacifier cords and teething supplies yourself.
What do you need?
Basic necessities
- Satin thread. This thread is by far the most suitable, because it is strong and hardly stretches.
- Beads. For each type of article, certain beads are suitable or not. Below I will tell you more about this.
- A clasp, pacifier clip or attachment ring, depending on the item you want to make.
- A needle. For threading, preferably use a needle with a large eye and a blunt point. (Also available on this website) This allows the thread to easily pass through the needle, and you cannot damage the silicone with the point of the needle.
- A pair of pliers. For items where the wire has to be threaded through the same bead multiple times, you will need a pair of pliers. These allow you to keep a grip on the needle and apply force.
- If you want to work with the so-called 'burning method', a reversing needle is useful, and you can order silicone thimbles so that you do not burn your fingers when you melt the satin thread together.
Which bead do you use for what?
(And how much wire do you need?)
Teething ring:
With 12-14 beads of 15 mm you can make a nice tight ring. If you choose (alternation) with other sizes and shapes you sometimes need more beads. Especially if the other beads are angular you need a larger ring to ensure that no wire is visible between the beads. Preferably do not use beads that are smaller than about 15 mm in diameter. The spacers are an exception to this. They ensure, for example, that you can more easily string a longer name onto a teething ring, while it can still be bent round.
For making a teething ring, use at least a meter of satin thread. It is better to thread on a bit too much thread than to end up tight, because the latter does not work well. Because you thread through the same bead multiple times with a teething ring, you cannot do this without a threading needle.
Pacifier cord:
I always make a pacifier cord myself with beads of at least 14/15 mm in diameter. Beads larger than 19 mm are not suitable for a pacifier cord in my opinion. They become too heavy and too coarse. I generally use 9-12 beads for a pacifier cord. With more beads the cord quickly becomes too long. Always think about safety! (a pacifier cord may be a maximum of 22 cm long including loop, without clip. It depends on the beads chosen how many beads you can put on it).
For a pacifier cord you need at least a meter of satin thread, but to be on the safe side it is best to order 2 meters. Just like with a teething ring, it works best if you have a good piece of thread left over when knotting. To make a pacifier cord you need a threading needle and pliers, because you have to thread the thread through the same bead several times. If you use the burning method, you need less thread. I do not use this method myself.
You can make key rings with key ring rods (then you only have to slide beads onto the rod), or with satin thread and a snap hook or key ring. The advantage of working with satin thread is that you can determine for yourself how long you make the key ring.
If you use a keyring rod, you need to have the beads fit exactly, and that sometimes requires some puzzling. It can help to get ideas on the internet, because more and more keyrings are being made with silicone beads. I will add more examples to this website in the near future, and in the meantime you can always ask me if the combination you have in mind fits.
Making a pen works just like making a keychain with a keychain rod: you just have to slide the beads on. Again, the challenge is to get the beads to fit exactly. Fortunately, combinations that fit on the pens also fit on the keychain rods. (Only on the pencils there is a little more space).
More examples of the pens will also be added to the website, and in the meantime you can always ask if the combination you have in mind fits.
Children's necklace:
Children's necklaces are intended for children aged 3 and over. This means that they have (almost) complete teeth with sharp teeth. Beads smaller than 15 mm are therefore not suitable for this. An exception are necklaces for children who do not really bite on a necklace, but wear the necklace as an accessory. Children's necklaces made of silicone are also very suitable for this. Among other things because of the safety clasp that will come loose if the child gets caught on something with the necklace. Order 1 metre of satin thread for a children's necklace.
Are you making a necklace for a child who bites the beads? Check for damage before each use.
For heavy biters I recommend not using angular beads. The edges quickly invite 'nibbling'.
Feed chain:
A feeding chain is mainly intended to play with during feeding, and to satisfy the need to bite when the first teeth come through. In principle, all beads are suitable for this.
If you are going to tie knots between the beads, order 2 meters of satin thread for a chain. If you are not tying knots between the beads, 85 centimeters is a common length for a full chain, so 1 meter is sufficient.
You always wear a feeding chain around your own neck, and you should never give it to a child as a toy. A chain is much too long for that. With the chain around your own neck, you can continuously keep a close eye on your child.
Please note: A teething ring is considered a toy. If you want to sell them, they must be tested as such.
With pacifier cords you need to make sure you meet the guidelines. Do you want to sell pacifier cords and be completely sure of their safety? Then have them tested.
Necklaces are not toys!! Always pay close attention to possible damage to necklaces worn by children.