The Hugs & Things website, www.hugs-and-things.nl , has been set up with the utmost care, but it may happen that not all information on this website is current, correct and/or complete.
The content of this website is for information purposes only. No rights can be derived from the information (for example rate information).
The general terms and conditions of Hugs & Things are an exception to this. The general terms and conditions apply to all Hugs & Things products and services.
I have tried to display all items as colorfast as possible. However, it may happen that the color of an item looks different in real life than on the website. This may be due to screen settings, among other things.
Although instructions for safe stringing and tying are provided on this website, Hugs & Things is not liable for dangerous situations or problems that arise when using items threaded by the customer himself. Stick to the maximum length for pacifier cords, for example, so that no dangerous situations can arise, and never settle for an 'incorrectly' strung item.
Please note: If you, as an entrepreneur, sell items made with materials you have ordered from me, it is your own responsibility to comply with the applicable standards (e.g. Toy Directive) and to have your items tested according to those standards.
Hugs & Things reserves the right to improve or otherwise change the information on the website at any time.
All rights reserved. No textual and/or graphic representation of this website may be reproduced or made public, in any form or by any means, or stored in an automated (data) file, without prior written permission from Hugs and Things.