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You can search this website in different ways.
More information about this can be found under Info & Tips.
Choose below whether you want to search by color, shape or theme.
You will also find bead mixes, stringing supplies and all kinds of other things here.
Search by color
If you would like to see which beads I have in the range per color, this is the way to search. Click on 1 of the colors and get the option to easily add all available shapes of that color to your shopping cart, without having to search the entire website.
Search by shape
For example, do you think the abacus beads are great and would you like to know in which colors you can order them? Then choose search by shape. You will not find figure beads with multiple colors here, because there are far too many different ones. These have therefore been given their own page.
Search by theme
Do you have an idea for the look you want your product to have, and are you curious about which shapes, colors or prints would suit it well? Here you will see the colors or prints that I think fit the theme well, and you can select the shape of your choice for those colors/prints.
Print beads
Silicone beads with print are super fun to combine. They can really add a cool accent to your design. Unfortunately, print beads are not very suitable for teething items, but they are great in a pacifier chain or, for example, on a key ring, bag hanger or on a pen. What are you going to make?
Figure beads
I have a wide range of beads in all kinds of nice shapes. You can find all multi-colored figure beads here. Super fun on a pacifier chain, but have you ever thought of bag hangers for primary school students, or nice pens with a figure and a few colored beads?
Letter beads
You can really use these letter beads in baby items as well as on key rings or pens (but also in all kinds of other creations). Choose the full name, or use only the first letter. Special characters are also available in 4 of the colors!

Wooden items
The natural appearance of wooden items will always have a certain appeal. For that reason I have also included a number of wooden items in the range. Keep in mind that wooden items pose a greater risk than silicone in terms of strength.

Stringing materials
Everything you can think of that you might need for threading can be found here. Satin thread, needles, pacifier clips, clasps, key rings, and other items specially made for stringing beads, you will find it all in this category!
Color cord
Do you want to buy regularly (in bulk) and do you like being able to combine 'live' colours? Then definitely consider a color cord. You can shop here for the color cord with all 126 colors from the permanent range, but you can also order a printed cord.

Bead Mixes and Starter Kits
Do you really want to get started with beads, but are you overwhelmed by the enormous amount of beads on the website? Or do you want to stock up on some nice starter stock to get started? Here you will find all kinds of bead mixes to help you get started. You can also order a personal mix.